The Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Functions

Accounting tasks to a non-financial person can be a mammoth task. Wading through invoices, bank statements amongst others duties can be quite tasking especially for small business owners who have a lot of other things to do. Even businesses that have an in-house business team still need to manage the functions of the team to ensure they meet the business objectives at a minimal cost.

The cost saving of hiring Profit Accounting Plus vs. hiring an employee

The cost saving of hiring PAP vs. hiring an employee: EE salary 55,000 per year plus 12% for taxes (including FICA, Medicare, and Unemployment insurance), 16% for Workers comp and average of 660 for health insurance not considering vacation and sick pay for a total of about 71,000.

Giving back to the community

I participated in the Share Hope Day through Convoy of Hope and it was amazing. It was located in North Fort Collins and they provided health services, kids play zone, free books for kids.